Friday, 5 June 2009

Local and Global marketers

People are surrounded by evolved marketing in the form of advertisements, shops and products. Globalization does not have a deep influence on marketing in my country. However, the effect is hard to ignore. This essay attempts to describe two ways in which related to advertising and shopping behaviour is affected in my country.
Firstly, in my country in the last few decades the local marketers contacted the local consumers directly in outlets without using any kind of advertisement. In contrast, the contemporary local marketers are using all kinds of technology to contact the consumers. They are using the local media: television, radio, newspapers and sometimes an internet to promote their products and goods. For example, in my city, Misurata, there are a local TV, Radio and newspaper which are used by the local marketers to advertize their products and to affect the local consumers’ attention and cash.
Secondly, in the past in my country there were no global marketers or any of their agents. On the other hand, there are a lot of famous brands of global companies nowadays. As a result, all local marketers have started to improve their relationships with customers by using global marketing strategies to compete with the global marketers. For instance, in my city, some of the local marketers have been employing women to attract the customers even though employing women in this way is prohibited by the local culture.
In summary, the local marketing in my country is affected by the global marketing strategies. They have started to use the media to advertise products. In addition, the local marketers have started to improve or build relationships with customers to compete with the global marketers and use techniques sometimes forbidden by the local culture, as a result of the famous global marketers entering to the country.

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